I gave a summer Yin workshop on obesity and water retention in Singapore the other day.
It was catered to Japanese audience, who grew up in a land with distinctive four seasons, to give them tips on how to adjust themselves and live healthy in everlasting summer in the Lion City. I gave talks on five organs as always, in addition to why we need Yin yoga practice in our lives.
Yin yoga improves flexibility around the joints. The practice promotes fascia release, which has been a buzzword in the media lately. This particular style of yoga mainly approaches tissues that are NOT muscular layers.
But what I said above is only the physical aspect of the practice.
When we practice yoga, the energetic aspect is crucial as well if not more so. Even in endless summer here, I suggest you make sure consolidation of energy is happening, and today’s practice was in line with that reflection. I believe taking time to feel Yin and hold Yin inside and leading a lifestyle with Yin principles weaved in are keys to make our bodies and day-to-day lives truly healthy, and our hearts richer.