Neroli and Basil ~ An Unexpected Combination that Goes Great

I was looking for aromatherapy formulas to ease a stomachache. If you search on the web a bit, it quickly returns numerous blending ideas, some of which I probably wouldn’t concoct myself. That, by the way, made me ponder once again the importance of diversity in people you interact with.

There was a website suggesting such a combination, and it was to blend…

Neroli and basil.

I tried it straight off and… wow! It was so good! Neroli with its gentle, soothing scent and the basil that throws in a bit of spiciness is indeed a combination! Despite the spicy kick, it’s deeply relaxing, too.

The formula is completed with peppermint, and I’m sure this makes a great blend for a massage oil to alleviate stress-related gastritis and stomachaches. Basil is expected to help you fight stress, so it adds a perfect touch. I so concocted and gave it a try. It did soothe me tenderly. Aromatherapy rocks!

I have an aromatherapy column page on Junostyle as well. Check it out for my formulas and recipes!>>>HERE


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