Fear and the Water Element


When I give lectures on the kidney, a water element, in my meridian training program, I talk about “fear”. Fear is probably what hinders you most from moving into the future.

Fear makes you afraid to take a necessary step forward. Even if you have made the first step, the emotion might stop you form carrying on. The “will power” that lies deep in your water element is weakened by excessive fear.

When you are overwhelmed by fear, you start building walls around yourself. It will only lead you to solitary, whereas your “will power” essentially wants you to soak up the water to sprout, bud, grow leaves and bloom full in this world.

When you feel you are too afraid to go on, let aromatherapy help you breathe.

With a few drops of JUNIPER BERRY and GERANIUM in your diffuser (or on a sheet of Kleenex), close your eyes and let in the aroma. Relax and take your sweet time to feel your breaths.



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